The article I ran cross this morning and made me to focus was about an American guy named "Mr. Patrick Kirk Gillock" who is very well-known in Nongkhai province (in the Northeast) as "Helmet Guy".
The origin of this name come from the time he was first a volunteer as an English teacher at this province 6 years ago. He saw that his students were often absent because of motorcycle accidents. Some died and some were badly hurt.
He would like to help solving this problem, so he initiated "Helmet Donation Project" with the donation from his friends in the U.S because he has no money as a volunteer and he sold everything he had when he was working and living in the U.S. before he came here.
The project is successful and the locals become to know him and name him as "Helmet Guy" since then. Everytime he gives away the helmets, he will say "Please put on the helmet to protect your life."

He expands the project to "Helping Independent Organization" with the aim to decrease the gap between "The Riches" and "The Poorest" to encourage the same standard of life.
The organization operates free course of English and computer and also encourage people to reserve the environment.
His students can be anyone but the only thing he asks is "please put on a helmet to come to school"
The operation cost is support by foreign donation and his pocket money. However, he's thinking about how to make the organization growing sustainably.
He decided to apply his professional in web design to create a website name "" or "". The concept is totally different from commercial website that the income from advertisement will be used to help the inferior, not for himself.